Free From Technology

What is a free form Lab?

Express Ophthalmic Supplies is a state-of-the-art Ophthalmic lab that leverages free-form technology for the production of optical lenses. This innovative technology relies on computer-aided designs and surfacing to craft custom optical lenses of the highest quality and enhanced definition. By utilizing free-form technology, We can manufacture optical lenses that cater to unique and intricate optical requirements. Our approach involves precision-driven, computer-controlled machinery enabling the creation of lenses with exceptionally precise and customized surface profiles.

What are digital lenses?

Digital lenses, also known as Free-Form lenses, are crafted from the same materials as traditional lenses. What sets them apart is the manufacturing process. These lenses are created using advanced digital technology, which enables precise resurfacing of the lens, ensuring consistent prescription strength across the entire lens surface. This high degree of personalization empowers patients to have lenses tailored to their individual prescriptions and lifestyles. Consequently, digital lenses offer several advantages, including increased visual comfort, better peripheral vision, crisper definition, and reduced eye fatigue.

Why you should get FreeForm lenses over Traditional Lenses?

Freeform lenses vs Traditional lenses

S.No.   Freeform lenses Provide: Traditional lenses Provide:
1 Customization: Can be highly customized to individual prescriptions. Limited Customization: Traditional lenses have limitations in addressing complex prescriptions.
2 Enhanced Clarity: Reduced distortion and improved visual clarity. Distortion: May have peripheral distortion, especially in strong prescriptions or multifocals.
3 Wider Field of View: Provides a broader field of vision with reduced peripheral distortion. Limited Field of View: Traditional lenses may offer a more restricted field of view
4 Reduced Adaptation Time: Closer match to the intended prescription can lead to quicker adaptation. Longer Adaptation: Traditional lenses may require a longer adaptation period.
5 Reduced Glare and Reflections: Often equipped with advanced anti-reflective coatings. Glare and Reflections: Traditional lenses can have more glare and reflections.
6 Thinner and Lighter: Optimized design can result in thinner, lighter lenses. Bulkier Lenses: Traditional lenses can be thicker and heavier.
7 Custom Designs: Can be tailored for specific activities or lifestyles. Limited Customization: Traditional lenses may not be as versatile for different activities.

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